Latest News:
4th Oct. : The latest conference timetable with
link is now available
2nd Oct. : Download the conference virtual background
11th Sept. :The event will be held online – via Blackboard Collaborate platform. Here's the
User Guide video
11th Sept. : Latest update on final paper submission
date and registration
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The International Conference on Geospatial Asia-Europe 2021 (GAE 2021) aims to gather
all groups of geospatial community (worldwide) especially within Asia and Europe for
discussing and showcasing the achievements with recent novel research, projects and
technology developments. This event jointly organized with ISPRS Commission 4 WG7.
The GAE 2021 also will showcase the latest technology and services.
All prospect authors are invited submit
their full papers or extended abstracts. The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed accordingly
by peers.
This annual conference aims bringing together international state-of-the-art research and facilitating the dialogue on emerging topics in the field of geoinformation science and technology.
The conference is also meant to be an interdisciplinary forum for leading researchers and students in related areas to present the latest developments and applications, to discuss cutting-edge technology, to exchange research ideas and to promote international collaboration in this field.
We are looking forward to meet all of you in the upcoming conference (virtually and physically).
Prof Dr Alias Abdul Rahman (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Chair GAE 2021
Prof Dr Rhinane Hassan (Hassan II University, Casablanca)
Chair GeoAdvances 2021
Papers and presentations of the following topics are encouraged but not limited to:
- 3D Cadaster and Marine
- 3D City Modelling (including aspects on quality)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in GIS
- Big GeoData
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) for GIS/Geomatics
- Emerging GIS Applications
- Flood Modelling
- Geo-computation
- Geo-Hazards
- GIS (2D and 3D)
- GIS for Disaster Management
- GPS and GNSS, Remote Sensing, Image Processing and Photogrammetry
- Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
- LiDAR and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Location Based Services (LBS) and Mobile GIS
- Multi-Dimensional Geospatial Data Modelling
- Oceanography and Hydrography
- Open Geospatial Data and Software Development
- Professional Education and Accreditation
- Standards and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
- Surveying and Geomatics
- Urban Planning and GIS
Concurrent sub-event International Workshop on Quality of 3D City Modelling will be
organized at the same place. The objective of this workshop is to discuss and elaborate
specific issues on the quality aspects of 3D City Models such as data, geometry, semantics,
topology, completeness and other related issues.
All prospective authors are invited to submit recent works on the quality of 3D city models.
Your contribution could be in a form of full paper or extended abstract.
All submitted manuscripts will be subject to peer reviews.