Publication Process
- All manuscripts were subject to a peer review process.
- Accepted full papers for the 3D Geoinfo will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNGC) series.
- Accepted full papers for Geomatic and Geospatial Technology, GeoAdvances and ISPRS WG 11/2 will be published under ISPRS Annals (SCOPUS indexed).
- Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the ISPRS Archives (SCOPUS indexed).
- A flash/short presentation (±5 minutes) is required for all accepted extended abstracts.
General Remarks:
- You are kindly asked to prepare your Paper as Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) or as PDF format (*.pdf) file locally on your own computer, using the required templates.
- Papers for GGT, GeoAdvances and ISPRS WG 2/II must follow Orange Book format (10 - 15 pages max). For further details how to format your Paper, please refer to the ISPRS author’s guideline.
- Papers for 3D Geoinfo must follow Springer format (10 - 15 pages max).
- Papers for Extended Abstract (for 3D Geoinfo track) must follow ISPRS format. For further details how to format your Paper, please refer to the ISPRS author’s guideline.
- Papers should be clear, concise and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
- We recommend that the Paper contribution is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes.
- The submission of a Paper carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the Conference by the author or by one of the co-authors.
Special Note: A maximum of two (2) papers are allowed per registered speaker.